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If you are interested in adopting one of our pugs, please send us an email with the following information.

Your Name:

Your Spouse's Name (if applicable):


Phone Number:

Best Time to Call:



Help us get to know you so we can help find the perfect match!
What are you looking for? Male, female, and what color.

What are your expectations for your pug? Companionship for yourself, companionship for another pet, show, performance events, other (please explain).

Would you be willing to have your pug spayed or neutered?


Have you owned dogs (or other animals) in the past?

Please describe the pet(s). What type? Breed? Sex (male/female)?
Was this animal spayed or neutered?

Does/Did this animal live indoors or outdoors?

Do you still have this pet?

If no, what happened to it?

Have you owned a pug before?

How and When did you find out about the pug breed?

What made you decide to purchase a pug?

Have you ever brought one of your dogs to a pound, shelter, or rescue group, or had the dog re-homed? If yes, please explain why.

Do you live in a house, condo, apartment, mobile home?

If you rent, has your landlord said you can have a pet?

How long have you lived at your current address?

Are you planning on moving in the next year?

What will happen to your pug if you move?

Your Family

Number of Adults

Number of Children and Ages

Are all family members interested in purchasing a pug?

Who will be responsible for feeding, training, and general care?

Your pug's lifestyle:

How many hours will your pug be left alone?

Where will your pet be kept while it is alone?

Where will your pet sleep at night?

How will the pet be cared for during vacations?

Do you have a fenced-in yard?

Is it in the front or back? What type of fence and how high?

Will you use a leash to walk your pug?

Are you willing to take responsibility for this pug for the rest of its life?

If you are unable to keep the pug for any reason, are you willing to return it to us?

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